Nova Scotia has always been considered as one of the provinces to welcome immigrants. This province hosts Pier 21 which is quite similar to Ellis Island situated in New York.
Within a span of 50 years, more than one million people have come to Halifax Harbour. These immigrants arrived at the harbour across the period between 1928 and 1971.
At the Pier, the reception centre is now considered as Canada’s Museum of Immigration. Way back, the reception centre had earned recognition as the ‘Gateway to Canada’.
The purpose of constructing the museum was to explore the theme of immigration. This built an understanding among the public after the experiences where shared.
Nova Scotia is nothing but a Maritime province situated around the coastline. The province is known for its capital, Halifax which brims with activities.
With respect to the culture, it hails from the people residing in New Scotland. After all, the province gets name through Latin words which mean ‘New Scotland’.
Apart from everything, you may come across many ethnic communities. These include the Acadians and the Mi’kmaq as well as groups coming from Africa.
While Pier 21 has stopped accepting immigrants, Nova Scotia is still open to welcome those who want to pursue their dreams.
In the year 2018, the overall population of Nova Scotia was much more than it was recorded before. In fact, the province was recognized for the highest-ever population with new permanent residents increasing day after day.
About Express Entry-linked Streams
The aim of accepting new immigrants is reflected through many streams of the Nova Scotia Provincial Nominee Program (NSNP). This further helped the province to choose skilled workers for permanent residence. But, while the selection was made, the worker must have a profile in the Express Entry System.
Regarding Express Entry, a person can refer to it as a system that manages numerous candidates for different classes. These candidates then move ahead based on a score. This score is calculated depending on age, skilled work experience, and education. The person would also be assessed based on the results of language proficiency tests.
In the case the person is eligible for a provincial nomination, then he would get 600 points. These points would be added to the CRS score.
The NSNP covers three streams for eligible candidates. These are ‘Nova Scotia Demand’, ‘Nova Scotia Experience’ and ‘Nova Scotia Labour Market Priorities’.
As far as Nova Scotia Demand is concerned, it accepts those who have completed studies in a college. The work experience is also taken into account when the person is assessed.
He or she should have a work experience matching the profile of one the 11 occupations.
Besides, these occupations should fall under categories, A and B.
They should also be under the Nova Scotia PNP occupation list for 2018.
In case the candidate has a valid job offer, then he would be under Category A.
On the other hand, Category B is open only from time to time. The category is for those who haven’t yet been working in a Canadian company.
Speaking about Nova Scotia Experience, this stream is designed for highly skilled workers. However, before selection, the candidate should have worked for at least a year in the province.
Under the Labour Market Priorities Stream, candidates pursuing a specific profession are only considered.
On June 3, the government issues 312 invitations to those who have experience in educating children. Assistants were also allowed to apply for permanent residence.
But, before getting nominated, the candidate should have a profile in the Federal Express Entry pool.
About Base Nomination Streams
Apart from the ones with profiles, Nova Scotia also nominates candidates that aren’t listed in the pool. These are considered for streams such as the Skilled Worker stream, and Occupations in Demand stream. In addition, the Physician stream is also taken into consideration.
As for the Skilled Workers stream, this is meant for graduates with a valid job offer. The stream also considers candidates who have worked in a region outside the country.
Moving ahead, the Occupations in Demand Stream takes those who have job offers in the province. However, the candidate’s job profile should match with specific profiles. These profiles should be under the Nova Scotia PNP occupation list for 2018.
Presently, the invitations for the above stream are offered to truck drivers, orderlies, and nurse aides.
Ways beyond, the Physician Stream is meant for recruiting general practitioners, specialist physicians and family physicians. Such kind of professionals should have undergone training in some other country. They should also be willing to live in Nova Scotia and move on with their career ahead.
About Entrepreneur Streams
If a person desires to establish a business in Nova Scotia, then he would be nominated for the Entrepreneur streams.
Under this category, the NSNP has two streams. These are the Entrepreneur stream and International Graduate Entrepreneur stream.
The former stream is for those who wish to run a business in the province. While they met the criteria, they should also be ready to settle in Nova Scotia permanently.
But, when the latter stream is considered, the person should have got a Bachelor’s degree. He or she should have completed a two years course in an institute Nova Scotia recognizes.
In order to run a business, he or she should hold one year of experience as an entrepreneur.
Over a period of time, Nova Scotia has been actively involved with Atlantic Immigration Pilot Project (AIP). The officials have been working closely with three Atlantic provinces. These are New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador.
For your information, the AIPP was designed with an objective for helping employers recruit foreign workers. But, while employers are trying to fill up the vacancies, they would consider graduates coming from eligible institutions or colleges.
To check if you’re eligible for Canadian Immigration, you can fill up the details through a free assessment form.
As soon as you enter personal details, you need to rate yourself for English and French language proficiency. Afterwards, you need to select the right option for work history, education and job offer.
When a candidate considers the work experience, the positions should fall under the Nova Scotia PNP occupation list for 2018.